QCD Meets Gravity 2020, Retrospective

4 gravitons

I was at a Zoomference last week, called QCD Meets Gravity, about the many ways gravity can be thought of as the “square” of other fundamental forces. I didn’t have time to write much about the actual content of the conference, so I figured I’d say a bit more this week.

A big theme of this conference, as in the past few years, was gravitational waves. From LIGO’s first announcement of a successful detection, amplitudeologists have been developing new methods to make predictions for gravitational waves more efficient. It’s a field I’ve dabbledin a bit myself. Last year’s QCD Meets Gravity left me impressed by how much progress had been made, with amplitudeologists already solidly part of the conversation and able to produce competitive results. This year felt like another milestone, in that the amplitudeologists weren’t just catching up with other gravitational wave researchers on the same…

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Published by astrophysics0110

I am a devoted hobbyist of subjects such as Quantum Physics & Cosmology and a lectiophile of Space Time Relativity along with the Black Holes. I have currently wrote a book "Mysteries of The Universe - The Unseen" which gives the baseline knowledge of fundamental particles of the universe.

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